Monday, August 22, 2016

When I thought I was "okay"

I managed to hold my hectic life together for a long time, I went to work, took care of my Daddy- went to his treatments with him while doing my homework, and then would go to my college classes. My life was chaos, but I somehow managed to have a relationship amongst it all. 

The treatments and surgeries my Daddy went through, gave us a lot more time with him then doctors had predicted. Work, school, and taking care of him was my life for almost 2 years. About 1.5 years into it, the man I was with proposed to me. We quickly planned a wedding, hoping that my Daddy would make it long enough to attend. 2 months before our wedding date- my father passed away.

I held his hand in the hospital room as he took his last breath, and my using picked up like I had never stopped- I didn't want to feel anything at all. We went through with the wedding, but I was not mentally present at all, it all seems like a dream looking back on it... It was the beginning to my very drawn out end 

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